Den of the Cat Maiden



Hello, world...?
I listed my name as "May", but I am also known as "Neko" or "Allana". Any of those is fine for me; you may even rotate between them. I'm a newbie webmistress and this is my 1st proper site.

I've dabbled a little bit in HTML before, but it took me a while to gather the courage to make something this ambitious. I was originally acquainted with the language at age 13. That was when I established my Tumblr blog. While didn't code from scratch, I copy-pasted additions to my theme. The tab icon here is actually repurposed from my blog's cursor!

In 9th grade, I had computer classes that dealt with website authoring. It was the 1st time I created my own code. All of it followed steps from the teacher, but we were allowed to add our own images. While we never learned anything too advanced, I had fun and was proud of my work~ I still kept the textbook from that time to this day.

I've had a few more minor ventures into HTML, but I've only recently gained an interest in making my own site. The plans for this website were conceived either last year or early this year. It was too much work to realize while I had classes, so I made this during college vacation~

I hope to expand this site as I go along. But for now, I'm proud of my creation~



